Definition of success

Success is the maximum potential of achievements or growth in the area of someone’s life that aligns with the will of God and the purpose of God. It could be the family, politics, ministry, business, arts, music or sport etc. God created everyone for a purpose to fulfil set tasks or plans.  It is easy to identify the purpose and talents of someone when they are a child because of their activities. Success doesn’t mean you have to have an expensive car, owning a big house, having a business or being famous. The biblical meaning of success is connected with how you influence other people by using your time, prayers, potential and resources to change or transform their lives.

  • Noah was a successful man obeying God’s word and he built an ark to protect the generation of all kinds of living creatures and humans including his family.
  • Abraham was a successful man by having faith and obedience to God and he became the father of faith including children, riches and honour.
  • Moses was a successful man by having encounters with God by the burning bush and later on God used him to bring deliverance to and blessings to the whole nation of Israel. 
  • Prophet Elijah was a successful man by prophesying to the king of Israel and ceased the rain for 3 and a half years. He also executed all the prophets of Jezebel and brought worship back to the lord.
  • King David also was a successful man and he brought victory to Israel to his nation. He was the man after God’s own heart. 
  • Mary was a successful woman by being obedient to God’s plan and she became pregnant through the Holy Spirit and gave birth to the own savior Jesus Christ.
  • Peter was a successful man by preaching that Jesus is the Lord and bringing revival among us.
  • Paul was a successful person; he had an encounter with Jesus on the way to persecute Christians and later he became a known preacher to Gentiles and God revealed the grace of god through the death of Jesus.
  • John was a successful person. He was deported to the island of Patmos and had the revelation of Jesus revealed to him.
  • Esther was a successful woman. God promoted her to the palace with a divine plan. She stood for her people and redeemed the people of Israel from the hand of their destroyers. she risked her life by taking a bold step to go to the king without his permission.
  • Prophet Isaiah was a successful prophet he had an encounter with God, and he saw the Lord was sitting on the throne in the midst of worship. He saw and experienced the glory of God and called him as a prophet to the nations.
  • Jesus was successful. He was completely obedient to God’s word and died on the cross and destroyed the devil and gave victory and authority to the believers. His name is bigger than all other names. He is the only savior of the world.

I have pointed out a few characters from the Bible but there are many other successful people which can be also found in the Bible. 

How did they become successful? 

They were willing to obey God’s plan and purpose for them in their lives and brought success. they probably also influenced many people and inspired them to also follow God’s will. 

Dear friend God never called you to be a failure instead he has called you to bring success in all of your life. Do not give up your visions and dreams. Keep moving forward and God will bring success.

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